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League of Legends, also known as LoL, is a popular online multiplayer game that has been ent


League of Legends, also known as LoL, is a popular online multiplayer game that has been entertaining gamers for years. Apart from its gameplay, the game has also gained popularity for its witty and humorous memes and jokes. These memes and jokes have turned into a popular subculture within the LoL community and are known as "LoL memes" or "LoL jokes." In this article, we will explore the top ten LoL memes that have become part of the game's culture and community.

"GG EZ" - The Ultimate Taunt

"GG EZ" is a commonly used phrase in LoL that stands for "good game, easy." It is a phrase used sarcastically by players who have won a game with ease to taunt their opponents. The phrase has become so popular that it is now accompanied by automatic responses from the game, such as "Sportsmanship 101: GG first, then EZ."

Lee Sin - The Blind Monk

Lee Sin, the champion in LoL, is known for his blindness. Memes about his blindness have become an integral part of the game's community. Players often make jokes about how Lee Sin manages to fight despite his blindness or how he manages to land his abilities. The memes around Lee Sin's blindness have become a way for players to appreciate the champion's character while having a laugh.

"Can't Be Unseen" - Teemo's Face

Teemo, a champion in LoL, has a distinct face that has become the subject of many LoL memes. Players joke that once they have seen Teemo's face, they can never unsee it. This meme has become a way for players to tease their peers, and it has also spawned a related meme around other champions' faces.

Garen's "Justice" - The Unstoppable Force

Garen, another champion in LoL, is known for his ability to shout "Demacia!" while spinning his sword around. This ability has become a meme in the LoL community, with players referring to Garen's "Justice" as the unstoppable force. The meme has taken a life of its own, with players Photoshopping Garen into various superhero costumes or using his "Justice" as a metaphor for other unstoppable forces.

"Do You Even Lift, Bro?" - Olaf's Muscles

Olaf, another champion in LoL, is known for his muscular physique. Memes around Olaf's muscles have become quite popular in the LoL community, with players often joking about whether their opponents even lift weights since they can't take on Olaf. The meme has even spawned a variation where other champions' abilities are represented by specific exercises or gym equipment.

"Penta Kill" - The Ultimate Achievement

When a player kills five enemy champions in a single game, it is known as a "penta kill." This achievement is celebrated by players as one of the ultimate highlights in LoL. Memes around the penta kill have become popular, with players often joking about how their opponents say "GG" after getting a penta kill or how they get too excited after achieving it. The penta kill has become a way for players to express their excitement and satisfaction with the game.

Jax - The Champ Who Uses Anything as a Weapon

Jax, another champion in LoL, is known for his creative use of weapons. The champion uses a lamppost, a fishing rod, and even a pizza as his weapons in the game. The meme around Jax's unusual weapons has become quite popular, with players often joking about how creative Jax is with his weapons. The memes give players an opportunity to appreciate Jax's character while having a laugh.

"Noob" - The Ultimate Insult

"Noob" is a term that is used extensively in the LoL community. It refers to a player that is inexperienced or bad at the game. The term has now become a meme in itself, with players often joking about how they beat a noob or how they were called a noob. The meme has become a way for players to tease their opponents and express their superiority. However, the term also has a negative connotation, and some players feel that it promotes toxicity in the game.

"Ward" - The Forgotten Item

"Ward" is an item that players can use to provide vision in the game. However, many players forget to use it. This forgetfulness has become a popular meme in the LoL community, with players making jokes about how their opponents haven't seen a ward since season one or how they don't know what a ward is. The meme has become a way for players to show off their expertise while having a laugh.

"Connection Issues" - The Ultimate Excuse

When a player loses a game, they often blame their loss on connection issues. This excuse has become a popular meme in the LoL community, with players often joking about how their opponents blame connection issues for their loss. The meme has become a way for players to express their frustration with the game's technical issues while having a laugh.


LoL memes have become an integral part of the game's culture and community. They are a way for players to express their love for the game while having a laugh. The memes we have explored in this article are just a few examples of the many jokes and witticisms that have sprung up around the LoL community. The game's memes and jokes are a testament to the game's enduring popularity and the creativity of its community.